Important Notices

Verification Services.

Hiring is one of the significant process for every company now, filling the position earliest is the task in hand for all recruiters and to accomplish that various other factors are ignored. The end result is wrong hire, which can not only cost money; it can even jeopardize your current business relationship or business closure. Background verification services is the key to successful hiring as the primary objective of this holistic research on the prospective employees’ background is to identify his/her integrity and professional excellence.

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Why choose us for reliable Verification Services?

Rely on BVS Global for expert pre-employment background checks. 

Expert guidance

Industry professionals who have been conducting these checks for years will present you with all the information that can allow you to make the best decision for a potential employee. A good company will check the employee thoroughly, right from education and family background to their behavior at their previous workplace. This will give a holistic picture of the person.

Save costs

Conducting a check on your own might be costly and time-consuming. Outsourcing a complete background check can save your time and therefore will also cost less for you in the long run. Having an expert third party run checks and inspections will be more beneficial for your company as these checks will be unbiased and secure.

Save your reputation

Hiring even a single bad employee can severely tarnish your reputation. The process of recruiting and selecting an employee in itself is very time-consuming and costly. Outsourcing verification makes this task easier for you as a third party is able to meticulously check a potential employee’s past and can ensure that you only make the right choice.

Get rid of all the questions and Implement the right verification services for your business.

Why choosing our verification services is helpful for your business?

#1. Verified employees

Employees are the face of any company be it is senior management or junior level, your company is only as good as your employees since they are a facet of your business to clients and to the community at large, so ideally company should only trust the employee after a thorough background check.

#2. Safe work place

Verification services prevent organizations from hiring any fraudulent or dangerous individuals. The safety of the entire organization including other employees and clients is assured with proper background verification.

#3. The reputation of an organization

Most companies discover it later after they have hired a critical resource with significant discrepancies in their resumes like forged academic certificates, fabricated experience certificates or Police clearances which can cause serious harm to the brand and reputation of an organization.

Our whole range of Background Verification Services

BVS Global presents a complete range of pre-employment background checks for new hires. 

Visa Services

Education Verification

BVS Global authenticate academic records like qualifications and certificates submitted by candidates, from the respective colleges or universities.

Employment Check

We assist with comprehensive check of an employee’s past performance and if the furnished details are accurate, i.e. employment tenure, designation, grade etc.

Criminal Verification

Expert team of BVS Global investigate for any history of crime through respective government bodies to assess an employee’s trustworthiness.

Address verification

Address details are an important component of personal information and can attest to a person’s identity. Our Team cross verify the provided address details.

Reference verification

A reference check is an extra step to verify a candidate’s credentials could prove invaluable to a company. It will also help the organization to

validate if the information presented by the candidate is true and does not contain omissions or false information.

Global watchlist

To cross verify terrorist involvement, money laundering, fraudsters, PEPs, black listed individuals, to check candidate has been reported on any of the global regulatory, compliance and sanctions list covering

sources like OFAC-SDN, FBI, Interpol, EU, UN Sanctions, etc. to name a few. In addition, we also conduct global web and media search and cross directorship searches to name a few.

ID Check

Expert team of BVS Global process the verification/ authentication directly from the issuing authority or through a machine-reading and verifying the details, whichever takes less time.

Due Diligence

Due diligence is the examination of care that a judicious business or individual should normally take beforehand entering into an arrangement or an agreement. Tailor-made media check:

Comprehensive media search as per client’s desire 

Social Media Check

A professional social media check reduces risks to brand, reputation, confidentiality breach and data security. The check identifies a candidate’s online presence to look for negative behaviours such as
bullying, racism, nudity and excessive bad language. It also identifies potential privacy issues, such as leaking information, and content that could potentially damage your organisation’s reputation. By using a third-party partner to carry out your social media checks professionally, you’ll get an objective, compliant, complete and consistent assessment of your candidate. Our professional social media checks are designed and built to protect a candidate’s privacy and trust.
Discuss your queries with our Verification expert today
We’ll help you get started

Our Frequently Asked Questions

BVS Global has years of experience in handling attestation of valuable certificates and documents legitimately, keeping in mind the security concerns and customer requirements.

Why do you need background verification?

Employees are the face of any company be it is senior management or junior level, your company is only as good as your employees since they are facet of your business to clients and to the community at large, so ideally company should only trust the employee after verification services.

Most of the companies discover it later after they have hired a critical resource with significant discrepancies in their resumes like forged academic certificates, fabricated experience certificates or Police clearances which can cause serious harm to the brand and reputation of an organization.

Why you should outsource employee verification checks?

Employee verification is the process of conducting background checks on potential employees. There are several risks for companies when hiring a new employee and a background check is the best way to mitigate these risks.

Why BVS Global?

BVS Global offer tailor made strategies for our customer and the scope is not limited but trace all the horizons of background verification. Our Global presence with Deep-rooted industry knowledge helps us to recognize present gaps in the existing processes and overcome it with trade proficiency.  Our practical heads and diligent operational teams ensure reports are delivered with high grade of accuracy and ratified service level agreements.  Our certifications and recognition’s showcase our excellence in the domain our background verification.

How long does the verification process take?

The duration varies depending on the type and extent of checks required, but our efficient processes aim to deliver results promptly without compromising accuracy.

What information is included in a pre-employment employment check?

A pre-employment check includes verification of past employment tenure, job title, responsibilities, performance, and reasons for leaving, among other details.

How do you ensure the confidentiality of the information?

We adhere to strict data protection and confidentiality protocols, ensuring that all information gathered during the verification process is securely handled and only shared with authorized personnel.