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Travel Industry and New Travel Rules

Travel Industry and New Travel Rules

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has brought about a significant transformation in everything across the globe. Whether it is social distancing to be followed in public transport or wearing a mask at the workplace, this pandemic has resulted in plenty of changes in a time span of just six months. Nearly all industries and business verticals have been affected by this pandemic. However, the impact of the pandemic has been the most on the travel industry.

Travel to new destinations and places is quite enthralling and exciting for people. People travel within the country and even globally to meet their friends and relatives. This is the reason why the travel industry has been doing really well since the last decade. In 2019, the travel and tourism industry globally contributed USD 8.9 trillion to the world GDP. However, during the first four months of the pandemic, the global travel and tourism industry suffered a huge loss of about USD 195 billion.

There were several travel restrictions and bans imposed on both domestic and international travel. Although the COVID-19 pandemic is receding and the travel restrictions are being eased slowly, it may take several years for normalcy to be restored. COVID-19 has changed the face of the travel industry and things are not the same as they were before. International flights are operating to some destination countries, while restrictions are still in place for some others.

If you are planning one of those long vacations with your family at one of your preferred getaway destinations, you have to be aware of some new travel rules and guidelines globally in view of the pandemic. Travel is no longer the same as it was before the pandemic hit the entire world. Even in the post-Covid world, it may take a long time for everything to return back as it was before.

From thermal checks at airports, to hand sanitizers at the hotel entrances, contact tracing apps, rapid Coronavirus tests, the pandemic has changed the world of travel completely. Travellers who have been confined to their homes and cities are now beginning to think about their favourite travel destinations and those pristine beaches, beautiful scenery, and historical monuments.

Some new travel rules

  • Thermal and infrared scanners at airports
  • Alternate seating in buses, trains and flights
  • Wearing protective masks and gloves at all times
  • No food in domestic flights
  • Packaged food in international flights (No hot food or beverages)
  • Extra precautions with regards to sanitization of flights, trains and buses after every journey
  • Compulsory quarantine period for specified days when travelling globally and even locally in some countries
  • Contactless check-ins in hotels
  • Social distancing to be followed everywhere – at airports, tourist spots, malls, religious places, etc.

If you are planning to travel overseas with your family for a vacation, you need to be aware of the latest Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and strictly adhere to them. Each country has a different set of rules and guidelines for travel. In order to know about the recent travel rules and regulations for your destination, it is important for you to take the assistance of an expert and professional company. One such reputed name in the travel industry is BVS Global


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