Important Notices

Trusted Background Verification in India .

In today’s highly competitive world, the Human Resource (HR) Department of most organizations are trying to close the positions fast. The reason being they want to get more skilled manpower to enhance the productivity of the organization in order to effectively compete with the competitors. BVS Global helps to protect your organization with the correct background check strategies with the best background check in India. We offer a wide range of background verification and screening services before you onboard any employee. Our pre and post-employment verification of candidates will help you hire candidates whose background has been verified completely.

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Why Choose Us for Reliable Background Check Services India?

At BVS Global, we recognise the important part that a pre-employment background check plays in reducing the likelihood of fraud. This is the process we use as reliable employee background verification companies in India.

Expert guidance

We will provide you with all the information you need to select the most qualified applicant for a position because we are specialists in the verification field and have been conducting these background checks for years. Our thorough employee background verification in India for new hires covers everything from employment history and family history to educational background and prior employment behavior.

Save costs

Conducting an independent investigation could be costly and time-consuming. Both money and time can be saved by outsourcing this service in the long run. It will be more beneficial for your company if impartial, secure third parties carry out the checks , inspections and background screening India.

Save your reputation

Recruiting and selecting the right employee is a crucial yet time-consuming and costly process. A single bad hire can significantly damage your reputation. However, background checks in India can streamline this task by entrusting a third party to meticulously check a potential employee's background.

Get rid of all the questions and Implement the right verification services for your business.

It is seen that many organizations in India, small and large are immediately hiring candidates that match all the key requirements on paper, i.e. on their resume. In this regard, many companies are ignoring the necessary background verification checks of employees. In the modern age, fraudulent activities and misconduct are quite common in every field. Hence, in order to protect organizations from any such threats, background verification checks and screening of employees is essential. Background verification involves checking the authenticity of the information provided by the candidates on paper. We are your trusted background verification agency in India. 

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Why choosing our verification services in India is helpful for your business ?

#1. Protect your brand name and image

Your brand name and image are safeguarded going forward thanks to our strict verification procedures during background checks. One poor hire can have a significant negative effect on your company's standing in the marketplace.

#2. Prevent frauds

You can be sure that you're selecting the best and most qualified applicants when you work with us to carry out appropriate background checks on new hires. Everything is verified and checked, including their work history at previous employers and educational credentials.

#3. Hiring good employees

In order to maintain a safe working environment in the office, verification services helps with a clear background check on new hires, which are necessary because they make it easy to identify and remove wrongdoers.

#4. Safe working environment

Background checks are perceived by many organizations as being more expensive. But compared to the expense of hiring the incorrect applicant and paying for their training, this extra expense is worthwhile. It saves money and precious time that would otherwise be lost on onboarding a bad hire.

#5. Save cost and time

With the help of our background verification services in India, HR departments can concentrate on their primary responsibilities—hiring new hires and maintaining a happy workforce. Since we handle background checks, the HR department doesn't have to worry about it either.

#6. Focus on core functions

Hiring is one of the significant processes for every company now, filling the position earliest is the task in hand for all recruiters. Trust our employee background verification India.

Our whole range of reliable Verification Services in India

Hiring is one of the significant processes for every company now, filling the position earliest is the task in hand for all recruiters. Trust our employee background verification India.

Visa Services

Education Verification

Employment Check

Criminal Verification

Address verification

Reference verification

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Global watchlist

ID Check

Due Diligence

Social Media Check

Discuss your queries with our Verification expert today
We’ll help you get started

Our Frequently Asked Questions

BVS Global has years of experience as employee verification companies in India, keeping in mind the security concerns and customer requirements.

Why do you need background verification in India?

Employees are the face of any company, be it senior management or junior level, your company is only as good as your employees since they are facet of your business to clients and to the community at large, so ideally a company should only trust the employee after verification services.


Most of the companies discover it later after they have hired a critical resource with significant discrepancies in their resumes like forged academic certificates, fabricated experience certificates or Police clearances which can cause serious harm to the brand and reputation of an organization.

What are the key components of background verification services offered by BVS Global?

BVS Global offers various background verification services in India covering aspects, including employment history, educational background, criminal records, and prior employment behavior. Our expert team goes for thorough screening of candidates before onboarding.

Why should you outsource employee verification checks?

Employee verification is the process of conducting background checks on potential employees. There are several risks for companies when hiring a new employee and a background check is the best way to mitigate these risks.

How can background verification services help protect a company's reputation?

Background verification helps protect a company's reputation by making sure that only qualified and trustworthy candidates are hired. By identifying any discrepancies or red flags in a candidate's background, businesses can avoid hiring individuals who may pose a risk to the company's image and integrity.

Are background verification services only beneficial for large organizations?

No, services offered by employee background verification companies in India are beneficial for businesses of all sizes. Whether small or large, every organization can benefit so that they hire reliable and qualified employees. It helps mitigate risks and maintain a safe and secure work environment.