You have come to Dubai hunting for a job and your visit visa is expiring. Desperation is looming in because you were hoping to secure a job first while you follow up on Document attestation for UAE. It can sometimes make you opt for unorthodox means to get that job. This explains why some people decide to plead on their CVs -“Please, I need a job before my visit visa expires.”
Let us be frank — this is will not secure you a job because no one cares! There are thousands of job seekers out there who are in a similar situation, but they are not showing their desperation. If this approach helped, everyone would use it to mess around with the feelings of the hiring managers. Unfortunately, these managers are busy people who are concerned about the organization and whether they will get a suitable candidate.
What Do You Need to Do?
The only way to go is to be professional. You can express yourself professionally through your CV without showing that you are desperate. You can also be positive that this is not the end of everything. There is always the next time, and you can still come back in future.
If the opportunity was meant to be yours, then you will still get it even after you have gone back to your country. You can still do the interviews online and get hired. The company can then provide you the air ticket and the work visa so you can join them.
So, you must show that you are professional and confident in your application to impress your potential employer.
A Step by Step Process to Help You Get the Job
Let your CV and cover letter be prepared by a professional writer who will make sure that there are no grammatical or structural errors.
Your CV should indicate that you are available for the interview until a specific date not forgetting that you are on a visit visa that expires on a certain date.
Make sure you write your contacts clearly (the email, phone number, or an online platform) and explain that in case you depart before the interviews are done, then you can be reached.
Be sure to apply for a specific job and not just any job. State the skills that make you the suitable candidate for the opportunity you are applying for.
Besides sending the CVs, you can as well present them yourself. In this manner, you can explain verbally to the hiring manager and let them know about your visa situation. Again, be professional on this. Don’t show desperation.
If you get the interview, write a thank you note or message and send it to the interviewer. Add your contacts to the message. If you have a return schedule add it in the cover letter. When you get hired, you can then go ahead and get Document attestation for UAE. This will help you function smoothly in this country.